We Are A One-Stop-Shop For All Your Loan Credit Requirements. We Aim To Revolutionise How Loans Are Distributed By Infusing Technology And Digital Platforms Into The Financial Sector. With A Network Of Over 50 Lenders, Urban Money Offers You The Best Financial Products And Services
We are a one-stop-shop for all your loan credit requirements. We aim to revolutionise how loans are distributed by infusing technology and digital platforms into the financial sector. With a network of over 50 lenders, Urban Money offers you the best financial products and services. We match your credit profile with the finance provider's criteria to process your loan application.
Paperless process at low rate
Check EligibilityInstant approval at lowest interest rates
Check EligibilityLowest interest rate
Check EligibilityInterest rate starting from
Check EligibilityThere are a variety of reasons why our customers find us endearing and make us one of India's fastest growing loan companies. Some of our "specialties" that have made us so well liked are:
We have 25 glorious years of experience in the financial services industry.
Knowledgeable and responsive loan solutions provider, we are dedicated to serving you as per your convenience.
We are spread across 500+ cities with 2500+ offices.
We adhere to highest standards of ethics, integrity and transparency.
Satisfied Customers
Channel Partners
Banks & NBFCs
Total Loan Disbursed
Simple and fast
Fill out the details in less than
2 minutes.
Based upon your details, our AI engine, using pool of 90+ bank details will match you with the best banks with success rate of over 90%
Add few more details in completely digital platform to create bank application.
The whole process of application filling to loan sanction gets reduced from weeks to few minutes.
Input the requisite information on the loan product page
Our robust technology will analyze the information in depth
Scan through the loan offerings from different banks/NBFCs suitable for you
Map the offerings with your expectations and select the best
Our representative will assist you from documentation to disbursement
Get in-depth knowledge about all things related to loans and your finances
We believe in fostering personalized relationship! Here is what our delighted customers have to say.
It was indeed a pleasure talking to the executive of Credfy.in. He was very helpful and guided me to all the processes of the company in a very friendly manner.
“I would like to thank your company personnel at the customer services division for their excellent support. They, took care of all my queries in a High Priorty.”
In my opinion Credfy.in is customer oriented and has some very effective and swift processes. My request for personal loan was swiftly handled and the loan released to me without any hassles."
We have tie-ups with 40+ banks/NBFCs making wide range of options available to you